Heli-liner ►
Another former Sea King /ob that the EH. 101 is sure to take up is the holt-liner role. It will carry passengers taster and much more safely, thanks to its third engine.
▼ Avionics testbed
Number PP4 was the naval avionics test aircraft, engaged in resting the systems for anti-submarine warfare. The aircraft was destro-,fC in an accident early in 1995. but tho crow escaped safely.
A Leaning fin
The tailfin of the EH. 101 has a pronounced loan to port, to counteract the effects of the mam rotor.
ATrials family
The EH. 101 systems wore first tested in the Sea King furthest from the camera. It is flying with tho civilian trials EH. 101 and the Royal Navy’s PP5.
The EH Ю1 has a •We-oMhi ext gloss coct-p/t wni •rub fund rtspiayr.
Tt* Mvfe* t Vime powe/M «vnee. M*4*hap*d Мміао* and rota* tnaOm ol «trwrury *j. x..«1 wMocJynamc sNx* make n one oMn. laiioet пмсорім л /л. wono. міхn carrying a Ml load at «upon or ponanal II y*a
*» tmr »c»m t> patrol lory* «гея» c* in» ocean nun
»м НАМЛІГС m lavs (149 n p. li
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EH Industries EH.101 Merlin
Merlin HAS. Mk 1
Type: tour-/su-seal mantime helicopter
Powerplant: ‘tvee 1724-kW (2.310-hp.) Rote – Royce/T urbomOca RTM322-01 turboshatts (Italian helicopters have three 1279-kW (1.7t4-hp.) General Electee T7CO-GE-GE-TBA turboshahs)
onli cmg toulute* fitted to the EK101. Another Vwluru is thermal de-icmy mots **!od lo И» rotor tedding edges
Maximum speed: 309 km/h (192 m. p.h.) Endurance: 5 hours
Weights: empty 7121 kg (15.666 B>.|; taadod 13530 kg (29.766 tb.)
The underairrege is a n»tfrThJice*y mtractobio trtcycte unit win а Mrwrabki rawwflMri.
EH. 101 prototypes two Slewed simulated liard larong» at vudieol speeds of mao than 10 metros p3 ft.) per second
1 MERLIN: Built tor the Royal Navy, the pnmary antisubmarine variant ol the EH. 101 has a IU»y computerised avionic* suite and a 360’ scanning Bluo Kostnk radar.
2 CH-148 PETREL: Canada intended to use the EH 101 as its primary stvpborno ASW helicopter. But rising costs and a new govnrnment saw its cancellation m 1993
Dang? ftseper etsaronc support measures antennae ore 4tod to the front ind roar of me heteepte* The system warn* the crew of tho presence of enemy radar tranonvsMyts
The tear cabm contexts the dppng sonar and ns vwich. sorotuoy racks ‘ and cfcsoensers. a sonar operator ага и tacftcai systems о nicer
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M(tn *OJ WptOCrt гамай or two ■ orty раї d Вш «tor* howewr»» Ж101 MMocapoMic* ccmvx) літі Ms»
тм*ш «а* Няроеп orExood
3 MILITARY UTILITY: On order for the Roy al Air Force, the military utility variant has a rea» loading ramp and can carry six tonnes ot cargo or 30 fully-equipped troops
ЕИ.101 ИПЯ SM44 Ka-tt’HUn
t«ur tr’rrXoc*. UANIWR t«0 l. ghlnttH
EiBMt, Ммуао», InlvnMi w»tiM *** fi*k " m Ге»ч«’п db iKprto*» о-
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•attau mluiln nlvillti
4 HELl-LINER: Tho main commercial vanant will fly up to 30 passengers m an artne-styie cabin at a range of 1000 km (620 miies) Key markets include city-centre mutes and oil rig supply