Category Helicopters

234 Chinook

• Civil CH-47 variant • Oil exploration support • Limited production


Подпись: A The Model 234 Commercial Chinook was a civil version of the popular heavy-lift CH-47 Chinook military transport heUcoptor. It was built only in small numbers, however.234 Chinookepresenting the muscle among the Western world’s helicopter designs, the Chinook was seen as an ideal aircraft for companies specialising in construction, logging and petroleum exploration. Although the Chinook was designed for military use and is well-known for its US Army duty in Vietnam, this big, durable, rotary-wing craft can handle heavy cargoes and travel respectable distances making it ideal for commercial applications.

◄ Dual-role heavy litter

234 ChinookBooing Helicopters marketed the Commercial Chinook as an aircraft combining heavy-lift capabilities (nine tonnes internally or 12.7 tonnes externally) with a useful 44-seat passenger load.

234 Chinook◄ Prototype

The first military CH-47 Chinoob took to the гиг n 1961. tt was not until 19 August 1980 that this, the 234LR prototype, was first flown.

Подпись:Подпись:234 Chinook▼ Cold weather versatility

Alaska’s oldest and largest helicopter operator, ERA Helicopters, took delivery of a 234ER in 1985 to support oil exploration rigs in the Bering Sea.


► In all-passenger versions of the 234. a galloy and tollot are fitted. A passenger attendant can also be carried.

► The first Commercial Chinook made its maiden flight on 19 August 1980.

>• British Airways Helicopters accepted the first of its six 234s In December 1980.

>■ Columbia Helicopters reported the 234 ‘an excellent success’ in logging operations in mountainous areas.

► Model 234s carry external cargoes slur>9 from as many as four separate hooks.

► Boeing engineers claim that the Chinook fuselage will hold 180,000 golf balls.

Подпись: Oil rig logistics and ‘flying crane’ duties
Подпись: Model 234LR

Подпись:234 ChinookПодпись: in all passenger g^se. the Commercial Оwook's monor hew up to 44 soots, witri (UiX tanks titled n trie fuselage taxings. For uxtendod- nvxin SgMs. fucH tanks could also be kistated л the cubn, reducing рвмопд» accommodation. As a freighter. 9072 kg (20.000 lb.) oouid t» camod intcrrxtfy. white n a lying crane- rote, up to 1270! kg (28,000 b) coiAl be slung under me аиоаППодпись:234 Chinook


In I9"s, Boeing Helicopter Іч-gan development of the M<klel 234. a civil version of ihe famous Cl І Г Chilli к>к ltelicop! l‘i The (.’ommeivi. il Chinook was offered In all – рдкчепце». combined passenger – freight and all-cargo models, the first examples entering airline •ісл’іСс in Britain in 1981 These machine’ carried people and cargo In чи Scotland to offshon.* oil plaifonit’ in the North Sea Mi Kiel 234s were available in four versions, each configured for differing roles front
passenger tr. inspmt to Hying crane’ duties Principal differences centred on intcrioi linings and fuel cap. iclt) Production aircraft were of the 2.3 d It ‘Ijong Ksinge’ and 254KK ‘(extended Range’ variants, the latter having extra fuel tanks which boosted range hy more than 1500 km <930 miles).

Only a small шітіч-г wen* Ішіїї. ini’hiding six aircraft foi British Airways Helicopters and I hive for Helikoptei Service S, ol Norway, from the ntld-I9KO> five Survivors ill’ the ex-HAM

Above: British Ajrways Helicopters was tho first and largest Model 234 operator, taking delivery of six 234LRs dunng 1981 and 1982. They were finished in Ihe standard BA colour scheme of the day.

fleet were engaged in logging operations with Columbia Helicopters in Oregon. I S, anti other examples were in use in Alaska Trailing as I ‘SAir Shuttle. Shuttle Incorporated operated two 234$ between New Vnrk and Atlantic Cite from 1989.

234 Chinook

234 Chinook

vU otjinxrwtnt otfiveo i>y Boong tor tie Mode ig ((XW to.) enpaety rescue hoist. glass fbre і dotoctor probn and dnding equipment ruth wth ovwload capacity for 36 persons-


234 Chinook

(nct. xJ-


Crvi versions <y the CH-47b loxtron (AVCO) Lycoming 755 lurbootiuli powered tho Commorriaf Chinook Designated AL 5512. lh»o worn rntod at 3030 RW (4.075 hp.) for tako-ott. with a 2218.5-kW (2.975 fip ) concnuous rating and an nnvtrgcncy 30-minute mting of 3247 KW (4,35b rp)






When me Model 234 «1» introduced m me eerty 1080». и ■epmented a major advance m rang* Unit, over the smgkHMor type then wnvrvj North Sea ollirkJi However, the recent EH 101 hat a range abWy much doiet to thal o! ihe it-ije» Chnook.




I Ml »m (CIO ml.)




tH. IOt HtUUNUI еге кв ISTJBI.)


234 Chinook

(Patton to Те txvur. mat rth Soo. is feted h the n instrumentation n trio d.


For togging opcr. ilxyrs in Oregon. Cofumbta have re-nerved the tarings tic Ihe ado о» tho 234LR’s kiedago. uouaSy used to house extra tucl tinta Ihe save; mcmR weight ux) thmsteni ukwva heavier pav<oxis to be ifit


MI-W’HUO’ 800110 І4КИІ. І


nltOi COCkpit oflow


234 Chinook

North Sea 234 operations

gjJJG. RANGE ABILITY: Tho Ccmmorctal

: ,nr")L’ 11 ач obvious choco for

tlv» " 1 WHon* Most v. oro writ within

K"®* *34-n range from their Aboiiwi base


Rio support air bases •7*‘on»i Sou oil rigs 1. ~ ‘ “Mode! 234 range Chinook routes “-*-Fixed-wing routor.

Подпись: BRITISH AIRWAYS HELICOPTERS: Launch customer for tho Model 234LR was 8ritish Airways Helicopters, which ordered s»x examples for delivery in 1981-82. This operation was eventually taken over by British International Helicopters, although the airaaft were operated in BAHjПодпись:Other helicopter routes

Boeing Helicopters

CH-47 Chinook

• Tactical airlift • Twin-rotor helicopter • Heavy lifter

From Viotnam to the Gulf War, the Boeing Chinook has been the most successful Western tactical medium-/heavylift helicopter. Fast, massively powerful and with a large rear loading ramp and long interior, the Chinook takes loads that other helicopters cannot: it can transport heavy guns, light vehicles and even other helicopters. Now uprated with better engines and new avionics as the CH-47D. the Chinook remains in production over 30 years after it first flew, and remains unbeatable.

Подпись: ▼ Trucking flight The first Chinook (CH-47A) had only a single cargo hook, but the modern versions havo three, allowing satar carnage of heavy loads like this five-tonno truck. CH-47 ChinookCH-47 ChinookПодпись:CH-47 Chinook

A Huey rescue

In Vietnam the Chinook was one of the few machines capable of lifting downed aircraft. The wrecked Huey’s rotor blades have been tied to stop them rotating In the wind.

◄ Battle wagon ▼

Transporting troops and their gear to the front n the Chinook’s main role. The twin-rotor layout has the advantage of not needing a vulnerable tan rotor and allows a long cabin section.

▼ Oil rig support

With its large capacity and range, civil versions of the Chinook were very useful hell-liners in offshore locations like the North Sea. One Chinook was lost in a ditching incident m 1984 after the gearbot failed in flight.

Подпись: FACTS In the Falklands War In 19Є2. a British Chinook carried 82 paratroopors in a single lift and survived a minor crash. Подпись:AND FIGURES

► Tho new CH-47D has tnple hooks, night goggle-compatible cockpit, advanced rotors and improved crash protection.

► The MH-47E is a special operations version, with night-flying capability.

>• The lower tuselago is completely scaled
to allow emergency ditching in water.

► A Chinook pilot was killed in the First Gulf War after flying into a tower.


CH-47 Chinook





CH-47 Chinook

Below: Chinooks can carry armament Uko these rocket pods, but the best defence is speed and low – tovel flight


CH-47D Chinook

Type: inedlurTv/hnavytift brtttlofwkl IwUcopio’

Powerplant: two 3264-kW <4377-hp.) Textron Lycoming T55-L-712 SSB turboshafts

Max speed: 298 knvh (185 m p. h.) at sea level

Combat radios: t90 km (t I8 mL) with maximum internal load; 60 km (37 mi.) with maximum external load

Service celling: 6735 m (22.069 tt.>

Weights: empty 10151 Kg (22.379 *>.); max lake – oЯ 22879 kg (50.000 lb.)

Payload: internal 6300 kg (13.890 lb); external 10340 kg (22.800 lb.)




systems and an air-to-air refuelling probe.

Chinooks were widely exported, and are operated by several nations Including rgcntma twhich lost some in the Falkland.* War», Australia ligypt. Iran. Italy. Japan. Libya and Taiwan.


Above: Helikopter Service is one of many North Sea operators who value the Chinook for its range and capacity, although its large sire prevents it using small Mi-docks.


CH-47 Chinook

30.14 m 199 ft 11 ml 15.54 m (51 ft.) 5.77 m (18 ft. 11 In.) 525.34 rrV (5.655 sq. ft)


A t«xi0v mounted таелпе-рол car* be titled to the втаї starboard door tor the toadmastor to gre cowing Ire wwi " operating m hooWo landing tones


The rear pyton cantos bo’.ti engetes and the gearbox synchronsaiion ur»t. Chaff and Itare dspensers and nfra-red іаттет can be mounted on the pylon.


tho CH-47V maximum payload ot more than 10 tonnes can be slung Irom one. two or three cargo hooka beneath the fuselage


The Lycoming T-56 lutboorep в pcwrwflat and ratable It is Ifcofy fo be replaced by an engoe n the 3500-kW (4600 hp I ctose if an advanced fuluio Chnook m hurt


Fifty-4® equipped troops o> 2-і «tors can bo accommodated о the mon cabn Smad vrjhrde* can also be earned mean the man lusotaga


The enw consists ol a p*X and eo-pitot veth lult dual controls, and л toadmnstar in tho rone companrrwnt




CH-47 Chinook



CH-47 Chinook

FucK is earned in tho long bulged bmga along the tuseiago жЛ»


^Win-rotor helicopters


CH-47 Chinook

■ FOCKE-ACHGELIS: The tlrst practical twin-rotor helicopter was the Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 Drache. which was used operationally ш the last years ot Vtodd War IL


Ш P1ASECKI: Twn rotors were a trademark ot the Piosockr company, and the» naval HUP Rotnever and military H-21 ‘Flying Banana’ saw service in tho t950s and 1960s


■ YAKOVLEV: Tho only major Soviet hebcopter o* this typo wits the Yakovlev Yak-24 ‘Morse’, which first Hew *n 1955 and served with Aeroflot and the Sowet military.


ж MI-17VU 4000 kg


CH-47 ChinookCH-47 Chinook

Boeing Helicopters

Bensen Autogyros

Gyro-Boat ►

One of Benson’s most innovative designs was the Gyro-Boat This craft could only ‘fly’ while being towed by a normal boat.

Подпись:Bensen Autogyros◄ Flying Scooter

The ‘Sky Skooter’ was one of many Benson aircraft. Little is known about this ingenious but apparently unsuccessful design.

Bensen Autogyros

A VTOL ‘shopping trolley’

The strange twin-rotored ‘Prop-Copter’ resembled something from tho supermarket.

▼ Star Autogyro

Gyrocopters were used tor a variety of different roles. This heavily modified example appears to have been used for filming purposes.

Bensen Autogyros


>• When Its flight testing was completed Spirit of Kitty Hawk was donated to tho Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC.

>■ The original Bensen Autogyro, first soon In 1959, was known as the B-7M.

► Neither machine evaluated by tho USAF was adopted by the service.


► From his oxporience at Kaman Aircraft Bensen built a one-off truo helicopter which featured twin co-axial rotors.

>■ A single gyrocoptor flow non-stop from California to the Catalina Islands.

► In 1987 Bensen Aircraft said it was coasing tho production of autogyros.

Bensen Autogyros




Bensen Autogyros

Bensen B-8M


Type: nngto-seat lightweight autogyro


Bensen Autogyros

-Above; Recreation was a popular advertising theme in 1950s America and signified a new age of optimism. Bensen Aircraft was quick to appreciate the trend.


Right: Hovering in tho only true Bensen helicopter.

which incorporated co-axial rotors, company founder Igor Bensen demonstrates tho relay winch.




Wooden rotor biodoti лот taondard fitments tor Serpen B-fiMu, though totme-cowrod зіее» ones coiid be specified OucWy dntoctsabte Wade supports pornuitcrl Vomyn n smrU зрасез and enabled the craft lo bn transoocted on pubtic roods.




Two Benson aircraft, о B-8M Gyro-copter and an unpowered B-8 Gyro-glidor, were acquired by the USAF in 1968. Known ns X-25s, they were used for research into tho uso of controlled parachutes.


Powermg the B-8M was и НЗОО-сс McCulloch hortfontftfy epposod tuur-cytrder nngne ong»vey duatjned I» unmanned drone Uvgets. Tt*S very fgtil cngwi was powerful for Is size und gave Ию autogyro м/pnsng performance


FSghi heiumi-rits cri Iho В ОМ v. w |i – njdmci-,ir. consebng i>1 <i j»o<ie4e»-dfrven І лг-ціемі ndesrer. аіікпиіл» xxi rrmpass.

I *flh – m e»Jr*mey crurk» nnilcial horror fncunted – il>:vo tl>? rKiiuTient panel.




К Bose flgtn eoraraa consisted ot a Lvge, Centre-rruxu-iso stick with ІІЧ! Bvcdtlo ftcaied totheright of и* Gentre ‘i|x)y On therrigna – the ГТІІМ1 ccntmi column w.» enachea ИЗГ** •WC’ ftMn ®hti rx»y down

aomu «опч-tes hod the чиж relocated to a •тот wrvomcnot рмікт nixi the rughtr

^vontrob re – • -:~кі iq, ,.,4-,-ir fta-cjmg rt the ar.


For dreotKVuil alaobty one vortical nnd twin horizontal иоЬпяог* wore •ttoo Tim utter ware fixed, but if-’ cortical suHaco fealuiwi a turgu rudder to ad control in fight




amazing B-8


■ RUSH HOUR IN THE BENSEN: Negotiating a busy lunction, especially in a craft as srhaf as the 8-8 Gyro-copter, was no easy task.


■ SUPER BUG: Two man vnnants of Ow powered B-8 Gyro- Copier wore. Tvntabto, tbo B-8M and B-8V The V ctaagnubcri почтой lo И» Мтеяі of a mow or less standard ібООсс ar – cooted flat-toi# itofcswagsn engno


Bensen Autogyros

The end result: Ttur wm mo out сети ел а ССЛтоп B"d яткео лег», aixl «ПК era а tenon» huwd Л»ищ naimal iivcratl оретіют It Inn* »га*П СОиИ suffer nitvom dnmoge nflr* *u£h a common, then a small autogyro would fare even were» Bensen took it# rrunor reoousty and the tests we* *дІ»хлтв As can bo mw from me photo. Hie lian-.ioo ocuafly done to the Wade* wae mineral. Mappiy such ocoderes did not occur frequently


Bensen AutogyrosBensen AutogyrosBensen AutogyrosBensen AutogyrosBensen AutogyrosBensen Autogyros

Boeing Helicopters


• Do-it-yourself flying • Evaluated by the USAF • Low cost


Подпись: ▲ In the 1950s Bonscn Aircraft of Raloigh. North Carolina doveloped the concept ol a low-cost, homo-built gyrocopter which did not require a pilot's licence to be flown.Autogyrosoctor Igor Bensen, former chief of research at Kaman Aircraft, saw the potential for marketing a series of light autogyros and rotary-winged glidors. First flying in the mid-1950s, these strange craft proved very successful, remaining in production for nearly 30 years. Two key factors to their incredible success were a very competitive price and the fact that under US regulations any member of the goneral public could build and fly one.

OH-58D Kiowa

• Two-scat armed scout helicopter • Special mast-mounted sight


Подпись:OH-58D Kiowaell’s OH-58D Kiowa Warrior combinos a proven design, incroasod power and hi – tech equipment in its Important role as the US Army’s main battlefield scout. The Kiowa Warrior goes into combat in careful co­ordination with ground commanders and heavier helicopters like the Apache. The OH – 58D’s main duty is to reconnoitre the enemy and pinpoint his forces, although it can also carry guns, rockets and guided missiles.

Подпись:Подпись:OH-58D Kiowa▲ Dual-role scout

Tho OH-58D Kiowa Warrior has two main roles: as a scout hcticoptor for tho army’s land and airborno forces and. when roquirod, as an armed attacker in its own right.

▼ Naval support

Подпись:Tho 4th Squadron, I7th Cavalry, US Army, is trained to operate from US Navy vessels it necessary. OH-580 operations were mounted at sea during the 1991 Gulf War.


The US Army’s 1/17th Cavalry files a stealth version with a lasor-proof windscreen and more pointed nose.

Saudi Arabia’s 15 Boll 406 Combat Scouts hnvo a roof-mounted sight.

The main rotor turns at 395 rpm and the tail rotor at 2,381 rpm.

► The OH-58D is named after the native American Kiowa tribe. Other US Army holicoptcrs are also named In this way-

^ Tho stealth version of the Kiowa Warrior first flew on 6 August 1990.

^ Tho first production unarmed OH-580 was delivered in March 1986.

OH-58D Kiowa Warrior

Type: two-sent aingio-eoginod armed scout helicopter

Powerplant: one 485-kW (650-bp.) Anison T703-AD-700 turboshaft

Maximum speed: ?37 km/h (147 m p h.) ‘clo*V at 1220 m

Maximum climb rate: 469 m/mm (t.539 f. p.m.) at sea level

Range: 463 km (288 mi.)

Weights: empty 1381 ко 13045ІЬ i. maximum take-off 2041 kg (4500 lb |

Armament: 12.7-mm machne-guns. seven-tube 70-mm rocket pocfs. plus provision for Stingy air-to-air missies and Heafire anu-armour missiles

Dimensions: man rotor dinmotor 10.87 m (35 ft.) mam rotor dec area 89.37 ro’ (962 sq. П.) length 12.65 m (42 ft. 2 inj

height 3.93 m (12 П. 10 in.)


A lfydra-70 seven tuto 70 mm mckot pod is Mlod on the port «Jo weapon* pytori


contours of the ground to shield it, rising only to list* its nust sight – known. is nap of the e. iith or NOE, Hying At the right moment, the Oil 581) attacks on its own. or directs weapons front anillery hauenes. larger attack helicopters or close air support lighier-lxjinbers Tite Kiowa Warrior combines the aerodynamic shape of the earlier OII-58A C. spotter with a lour-hladed rotor, a more powerful engine and a


Above: On 26 January 1991. during the Gult War, two OH-58DS flying from a US Navy frigate liberated an Iraqi-held island in the Gulf and took 29 prisoners.


The army uses the OII-58I) ro vг>pe with the sjxvd ami complexity «if modern warfare, (iroutul commanders інхчі flexibility to stay m top «>1 an enemy’s nunoem ICS. and the Kiowa Wall lor uses a m. csj mounted sight – і hall’ aliove its winding rotors – m s{x>t the enemy aim its own we. i|xins and guide those- of others.

In cumbut. the ОІІ-58Г) links beneath the horizon, using the


As we4 as the. ntra roo countermeasures turn* on the tatooom the Kxjwn Wnmcr also uses two types of radar war nog госомг and a luoor detection oat for turf protection


respectable we.11sons capacity.

Bell also І мі і Ids an export version ol the OH-581) known as the *‘K> tiimbui Scout In 1988 Saudi Aral ha ordered л 15 of these.


The 0H-5R0’s key ШПХЛІ лг» toootnd in the must-mourned •іцуа. Rofixvt tie two windows аго я IV sensor and an magrg nfra-red. wtsch оголів targeting and navigational information « oA vgnt and weather condtcns


OH-58D Kiowa



П» exhaust s located n the upper pane» Ot the engine tanng. Hot gases are ejected straight nfo the downwesh. wtroro may aro rapOty iMkrsed to reduce intra rod s»jnoture


OH-58D Kiowa

TV lock (147 a. p к I


SA 3411 GATE Lit? W «mV (164 о ph)


The ALO 144 tfiCM tumrt provKkxs protuctcn against hoas soekng missiw


20 »nv> <150лр. Н.)


Wrocxittixii above aro о cockpit 10 do theen hoard


SA 34IB Г. ЛШ’Л СП km (410 ac|


With the space m its futeUQe

taken up by avtomce. the OH-MO dooo not here» much room. ivaiaUe for fuet lank» os the


Some Kiowo Warnors are intended to be № transportable wth cofcx»i*3 skids, taking «aWeer «XI fm, removable wre-cuttera and a support tmme tor the mast-mourned eight


UrxJur ttw cabin, ntxiirtl of «eh river і dud a cawig tot»» m «■tea This n dropped down


OH-58D Kiowa

INTO THE TRAP: Hiding behind a building.

Whs OH-580 is usmg the extra height of its MMS to track the tanks beyond, without opposing itself to onorny tiro.


APACHE SUPPORT: With tho target In tight the scout can then radio lor an anti-armour gunship helicopter to engage wtth rockets, missiles or gunfire.


D scout mission

f the Kiowa Warrior’s |Ob • -.out working with armour hebcoptors like the

■° ‘n ih:s role the OH-58D •’«! manmado features as scouting tor targets.


DESTRUCTION: Using Its laser *

designator, the scout can guide Holltim anti-tank missies from the gunship, witl the latter being able to see the target


HI-TECH SIGHT: The mast-mounted argiit <MMS> contains a TV sensor, an infra-red Imaging system end a laser designator/rangefindor.


OH-58D Kiowa



• Twin-engined light helicopter • Fifteen years of service • Exports

Bringing real elegance to the everyday job of carrying people and cargo, the Bell 222 and 230 are considered by many to be the best-looking helicopters on the market. Tho Bell 222 was launched in 1974, first flew in 1976 as a private venture, and was enthusiastically by helicopter operators around tho world. Since it was first delivered in 1980, the 222 has proved popular in roles from executive transport to ambulanco.

Bell 222/230


A Helikopter Service 222B

This Norwegian-registered 222 flew with Helikopter Service AS of Oslo. The 222B and 222B Executive vanants were tho original models with a hydraulically retracted undercarnage.

▲ Chilean SAR helicopter

In 1993 this modified 230 was leased to tho Chilean navy. Modifications lor the search-and-roscuc role included a nose-mounted Honeywell radar, Nitesun searchlight, thermal imager and hoist. GPS navigation was also installed, as wore extra fuel tanks

▼ Fenestron trials

This 222 was fitted with a shrouded глі rotor, or fenestron, as used on a numbtr of European doslgns.


► For offshore operations, tho 222 can carry a wator-activated emergency flotation system and auxiliary fuel tanks.

► The first prototype Boll 222 made its maiden flight on 13 August 1976.

► A 222 delivered In January 1981 was the 25,000th helicopter built by Bell.

>■ In January 1980 the offshore oil-drilling company Petroleum Helicoptors become the first user of tho Bell 222.

► As of January 1997 Boll 222s wore operating in at least 11 countries.

>• The 430, a stretched version of the 230 with a four-bladcd rotor, flew in 1994.




230 Utility

Type: light commercial holicopter

Powerplant: two 522-XVV (700 np) Аічоп 250- C30G2 or 510-KW (685-hp I Textron Lycom. ng LTS 101*75001 turboshaft engines

Maximum cruising speed: 254 km/h (157 m. p.h) at sea level

Range: 702 km (435 mi)

Service ceiling: 4815 m (15.800 it |

Weights: empty 2245 kg (4.940 lb.); maximum tako-otf 3810 kg (8.380 lb.)

Accommodation: pilot and seven passengers Dimensions:

mam rotor diameter 1280 m (42 ftj

fuselage length 12.97 m (42 ft. 6 in.)

height 3.68 m |12 tt)

rotor d>sc area 128 71 m’ (1.385 sq. ft.)


Left: The 230 is distinguished from the 222 by its revised engine air intakes and repositioned exhausts.


and a variant lor the scarch-and – rescue role has been employed by the Chilean navy. Civil duties remain the most common hi >wever. and include executive transport and aemmedkal and police operations Succeeded by the – i.30. Model 230 production ended in І9У5, after *8 had been built.


Above: The 222B Executive, fitted with retractable wheeled landing gear, has become a favourite with companies as a luxury transport.

Both the 727 and 230 lm я two-btided toti rotor The 230 and akxJ oquppod 2223 have a Curved bar at ttw roar ot the hti boom to protect tlw tail rotor Дот ground strfcos







vNte more modern and updated dptigns OAo ttw 4Э0) have tour-btoden man rotors, the 19/Os-dusgncv] 727 and 230 are Wed with a Iwo-btidnd rotor This has a sianiess steer spar and laadng ooge wvn a Nomex txxJr ore Mve-giass sMn.


The skid-equipped 222UT (Utility TWin) is widely used
in the air ambulance rote. N77UT carries the livery
ot the University of Tennessee Research Center
and Hospital, KnoxviOc, Tennessee.


«MiA? rise 777 w’jo, titled with two AVCO lyc0m»xj (uidr Textron Lycomng) ITS 101 engheo, Iho 230 e offered with в* оріюіі of Mkscn 260*C turbosheft*. Ttw utter has bowi one ot the т»1 aucCMstii turboohottx and in fitted to many othnr typos. ecbclnQ iho Bel 206 JtHRongar and Hughm (later McOonrwt Douglas) 500.


The enmaira OCCOmmOdabon uvaliibto m trv 222UT » one pto! and w to oqhl pasaoojqci. An optional hghder-.ту layout о the 2228 oAowa tor up to «no – i. Then? s *oom о both mod«M tor 1.05 m‘ 07 cu П I o* baggage att or the cabn /

————— 1


„ c




The Eutocoptor Kawasaki BK 117 has a sjpcnoi rate oi curb to toe smAirfy «j*d вы 222. Th* S-76 Mk II is a much heavier machete. but has more powertu ongnes and consequently a groato’ lilting самот,


Kill «0avail»(2.16St. MU, V-4 222UT 512 Dl’nle (1.500 L*a»-|

S-Tt to II «11 earned;


those arcrott Wed with whootod lancing gear have hydraulc forward-rotrectng units. The rear wheete are •.tovwd о sponsors on the outSKte rear of the cabw Stod – equepod versions can be fitted weh ground haneftng wheels ana retan sponsons. as thaee contain tool tanks



■ 407: A development Of Iho 206. the 407 is и swgio-cnginod holicopter intendod to replace tho JotRanger ft first flew in 1994.


■ 412: Announced in 1978, this development of the 212 has a four-bladed main rotor. The 412 is also built m Indonesia and Italy.


II 1.2 It (.1 1,1 (.I I I








• Oil rig support • Military transport • Gulf War gunship

Подпись:BellOriginally intended as a military

transport for Iran, the Bell 214ST contract was put in jeopardy with the advent of the Islamic revolution In 1979. Only 100 of these helicopters wore built. Although the majority found military customers in utility and support roles, a few ended up in oil rig support. Since then, tho 14ST has been replaced by more modern Bell designs and the type is now a rare sight.





Huey’ heritage ►

Despite the extensivo modifications from the standard Bell 214. tho 214ST still has a large twin-blade rotor and twin-blado tail rotor.


A Desert colours

Eventually, tho 214ST arrived in the Middle East as a gunship. albeit in the hands of Iran’s споту. Iraq.


▲ High capacity

The long stretched cabin of the 214 allowed it to carry 18 passengers or three long bench seats.


A Thai navy

Thailand’s navy opvratos five 214STs. and the air force and army operate two each.


Civil colours^

Painted a distinctive colour, this oxpcnmental Belt 214ST carried out testing flights to oil rigs.





Originally, ST stood for Stretched Twin, but was subsequently changed to mean Super Transport.

Oman, Роги und Venezuela all operate three Bell 214STs.

The original requirement for Iran was improved hot-and-hlgh porformanco oW* the older Bell 214.

Tho composite rotor blades of the 214ST are wider than the standard Bell 214.

>• Between 1987 and 1988, Iraq bought 45 Bell 214STs and used them in combat.

► Tho last of the 100 2l4STs was prodlced *

1990; the first was built in 1980.

Подпись: Biggest of the Bell twins

Подпись: Be* used a now rolor ядригююп system brown at. Nod.vM.rtic посілі юівртмп tor tho relors Tito nodal boom годов no MneaDon Ihn ovoncod rotor гл»зл* have a glass-Uxo spar as wot ns me more іглгиі utiv. iurr* coning

Подпись:Подпись: Combat radius: 858 km (530 mU with standard fuelПодпись: Ferry range: 1019 km (630 moПодпись:BellПодпись: Left: The North Sea is home to a wide variety of <a href=helicopters. including Chinooks, Bell 212s, Pumas and Super Pumas. MBB 105$. Sikorsky S-61s and a few 214STs. Below: Examples of the 214ST with whittled undercarriage are extremely rare, but some were sold to China. ” align=”left” width=”194″ height=”96 src=” style=”margin-left:32px; margin-right:-32px;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:186px”/>Подпись:Подпись:Подпись: The Fuorza Aerca Vcnezolana operated three Bell 214STs in tho communications role, serving with 42 Escuadron. Venezuela also operates the Bell 212 and Bell 412 in the VIP transport role.Подпись: 197.29 m (2.123 sqПодпись:Bell

In ilic ITOs. the Imperial Iranian armed fon. es wen? slit rpping for new equipment, will’ •* K3«*t of money. In tin- United Mates Ліг« и airy’* performance in Vietnam. the air force ordered an и pgr, tiled Bell 2M

Ik-И рп)|юччІ a sulxstantiallv Improved machine, the 21 »ST. with Increased capaeitv and power, twin engines anil vastly Jnipnned Itot-anii-lngll performatuv Hie project, wimh $57* million to Beil, was Suddenly cancelled when the

Wot and co-i-nt have Іи» control – Both crewdx»-, mi* yzidorvVA’ Avionic* ш include radar. VLl гиыдоюп nynioni. ADf. lOME and тої еоіслпд
nations Islamic revolution occurred in 1979 Ik-11 continued development, and begun produc tion in November ol that year, hoping lor sales lo civilian operators as well as oilier military users

Luckily for Bell, the 211ST was a success, and despite a modest production mn, it was popular with users Ironically, the largest single user was Iran s modal enemy in the 1980s, Iraq, which look »5 aircraft in IW" and ачч onligured them as gunships anil operated them

Iho man tfwvvrsssion rue a ono-hoи» run-dry сараЫГу, so я» .ас/ап сіл где opiate sale»/ г. t»« «vent of loss ol lily leant T»«e twn tuibosnan ‘enQinas arc coupled through a combner gea-‘oro. Stngie-erQtne ссеюооо a also posable.


Type: medum utility TwHicoptcf

Powerplant: :wo General Ekrctnc CT7-2 turtooshafts rated at 1212 KW (1.625 hp.) each

Mai cruise speed: 2S9 km.1t (161 m p h I

Hover celling: i960 m (8,400 П)


Rolor diameter Length Height Wing агез


Intended to operate wer vati гіписЛо* ot oc«*n wxn vanoui petn/w/ч сятрлговв. tr* fuel capacity at th* 214ST a ot vital mportanca Aatiougri «puai to IhaJI?. ihatwn – nnyi« deeqn ot tha?148T reprove* safety


. 141


The taJ rotcr a a corwenionai design with steer teddng edge, hcne>comb core and olass-ft/e traOng edge. The etectrencaiy coni’a led elevator mranfees turn changes wot uHorroUms ol power or centre ct gravity and improves slobWy




Addticywr txiggagu c«n 0* stored behind the ракеопдпг ceznpartmont Th» seats can tie removed to ptwoo addHonol cargo «росо A special пЯ-ow prelection nng is notated »< (fie zsetage aructizo




М3 И (t. WS lb.)



v qooi can гзе feted to the P-oul ite rafts can bo instated in ОІГУ rruet


7769 >1(4.MO lb.)



Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:BellPcepite toe 1ГУСПШМІ n worjni due to Я«И lotgei caCn are* and additional engm». »"> enaatog ipeed i* equ* to the

ennwr and ftgMer Bed 212 Oeretopments л the hetccpMr

мит* have erebled Be« to meet the пепммпд demand* Ы the ctvban hetcopfer marvel

Подпись: 11« 31411 259 liah (161 n. p.b.) K9UHi(1*1 m. p.k. l



Bell 222 police patrol

◄ Low level over London

Although London’s police helicopters sometimes fly very low, for example during a chase, they normally operate at around 300 metros (1.000 ft.) to avoid noise nuisance and for safety reasons. Accurate navigation and meticulous attention to a>r traffic control procedures are vital as the local area contains approach lanes for Heathrow airport.

Bell 222 police patrolA Speed trapper ►

Using timing marks painted on the motorways, a Bell crew can instantly work out the precise speed of a car and arrange a roadblock.

-4 Police pilot

Подпись:Polico helicopter pilots are actually employed by the Bristow company. Usually ex-military, they are trained m firearms and the use of the hdi – teie and thermal-imagnj systems. Conversion to the Bell 222 was undertaken in the USA


► The lirst Scotland Yard aerial unit used an airship to observe the crowds at the 1923 Derby.

>• Just before the war, the Metropolitan Police were using Cierva autogyros.

>■ In trie 1970s police helicopters only carried an observer and a radio.


>• Tho Air Support Unit started «lying the Boll 222 in 1980.

> Tho holicoptors carry Nitosun searchlights, stabilised heli-tele TV cameras and infra-red cameras.

>■ The ‘Met’ always has one helicopter airborne over London in daylight hours-



Bell 222A

Type: police patrol helicopter

Powerplanl: two 462-kW (620-hp) Lycoming LTS101-750C-1 turbosfufls

Maximum speed: 250 km/h (155 m. p.n.|

Range: 523 km {325 rra | or 2 hours 30 minutes* endurance at economical cruising speed

Service ceiling: 6100 m (20.000 it)

Weights: empty 2204 kg (4.850 lb); loaded 3560 kg (7.832 lb.)

Accommodation: two pilots, two observers or up to six passengers Observers are equipped with searchlight, stabilised TV camera, infra rod. thermal imapng and video cameras

Dimensions: rotor diameter 12.12 m (40 ft I fuselage length 10.98 m (36 ft, I

height 3.51 m (12 ft.)

rotor disc area 115.29 m1 (1.240 sq ft,)


Bell 222 police patrol

The Bell 222 is an excellent choice lor a poltcc helicopter, having twin-engined clearance for work over crowded cities, and enough capacity to carry dog teams or special firearms officers if needed.


Assignments are numerous and range from searching for missing persons with the infra-red system to covering convoys transporting important criminals to court. Most of this work involves diverting from routine patrols.

Be* hobcopfure liovu tnnttidnoffy boon ■xtuvpod will tw»i btoded nK»


operating the powerful Nitesun searchlight litis continuation of personnel and equlpntenl makes the Hell 222 a highly effective crime-lighting machine




PcAce Bel 222s ore powered by a o®r o* Lycomng LTS101-750C-1 turtxsftatte. y


Tho 222 mny consists or a MtrtoM Strei O’ spar. will a honeycomb core oobexf it ослегео ГУ о фл&і-ЬЬп Skm


Atihough hvtcoptnro ant гоїм» t«*1 лч taad-wme «rerun. Ifwy аго %Ы соnsdorohiy quicker man any imd-tuMd transport avalaWo m a oty A Beil 222 on patrol опт cotitrnl London can roach an mudoiil anywnero m the ilia metropolis « mmute*


Ж км» (tU a.».h.)


Jits r. s rsKsenger carrying ютвйглв* used to terry. teams to major rodents




Excellent thoujii ttic Bell 22? •» «or moe« patrol duties, и •» a urge» and heavier мьсорпи man other t, pes «і use by police force* around me world because о» tins, fl usee того fuel and needs lo land lor roplemshmenr того often man oUwrwtsa lass napabe n’loctune*


А steerable Nitesun searchlignt s fitted to the rear fuselage The am tx focused to cover a wv>o or narrow area


Bell 222 police patrol



Aitnough the Be* 222 • mam USA N to ootroi it con be pressed m» duty

•s a transport Tha helccpMrk aro ирооойу useful for spec uk duty seats, «uf. fi os heeittr armed ant. •хятолл teams, who con roach any mays* incidents with the mrwxim Otdeeiy.


■ POLICE MOVE IN: The youths are approached and questioned by officers, while the hefccopter remains in a surveillance position in case the suspects floo


Ш AN ARREST IS MADE: The suspects are found to bo carrying goods which may have boon stolen There aro now sufficient grounds for holding thorn, and they are arrested.


■ GROUND UNITS CALLED: As the suspects take a shortcut through an mdustnal estate, tho itoiicoptCT directs ground-based police units to cut them oft.


Bell 222 police patrol


• Police patroller • Major event surveillance • Quick-reaction transport

Подпись:222 POLICE PATROLBased at Lippitts Hill in Essex, the

Metropolitan Police Air Support Unit found the Bell 222 to be an ideal crime – busting helicopter. Powerful twin engines and stable flight characteristics, as well as good speed, are vital when tracking criminals. The pilots who fly the regular patrols over London’s streets are actually employed by Bristow Helicopters and have extensive experience. Whether flying by day or night, the Bell 222 proved to be an invaluable asset in the fight against crime.

Bell UH-1N Iroquois


A VIP transport

One of several USAF staff transport UH-1Ns over Washington D. C.


Bell UH-1N Iroquois

A Oil exploration support

With flotation gear fitted to the fuselage and weather radar in the nose, this 212 is used in support of oil rig operations.

Twin-engine security ►

For the Marine Corps, which routinely operates its UH – 1Ns from amphibious assault vessels, the extra safety of two engines is a major asset.

▼ Inconspicuous Hueys

Operators paint their UH• INs according to their role; camouflage implies use near a battlefield.


Twin Huey to the rescue P-

Search and rescue is often an important role for any helicopter the UH-1N being no exception.


Bell UH-1N Iroquois


>■ In 1972, a UH-1N dropped a parachutist over MeMurdo Sound, Antarctica (or a record jump of 6247 m (20.497 ft).

► The ‘Huey’ nickname comes from the original U. S. Army HU-1 designation.

► Tho US Navy unit VXE-6 operates about six bright-red UH-1Ns in tho Antarctic.


>• The USAF’s crack 1st Special Operations Wing in Florida is one of the main users of tho UH-1N.

>• UH-1 Ns are ofton fitted with door-mounted machine guns for protection.

>• Tho original Huey, a Bell 204, flow for tho first time in 1956.

Подпись: Twin-engine Huey

Bell UH-1N Iroquois


eginning ІіГс – as (lie Bell Model 212. tile I’H-IN benditted from jn agreement lietween the t ’> riunul. u lurer. mil I nited Aircraft of Canada to supply Ucvto. r-lmilt Pratt VPhitncv engines for a more powerful modi’l of tile t’H-lll transport helicopter Twin engines for greater teluUlliy gave the 212TTI IN wider customer appeal. Ней aiming to attract hoth military and civil orders.

Fitted with the PTf. T-3 Turbo Twin-Рас (T-tOO). tin* first pnxluction Model 212 maiie its
maiden flight In April I9f>9 anil the first machine for tlie Canadian Annctl Forces was handed over in May 1971. As tin* Cl 11-IN tlater CH-135 Twin I luey) the new type was operated on liaison, utility and гем tie sorties, the typical variety of duties lot which tlie І luey’ became internationally famous.

ПІ-1 Ns were sulucqucnlly ordered by the I S Army. Air Force. Navy and Marines, all of which appreciated the additional lapahihiy available from the Bell twin. The Navy and Marines particularly liked

Above: Most USMC UH-INs fulfil a light attack/forward air control role with AH – f Sea Cobra and Super Cobra attack helicopters.

the extra safety afforded by two engines, especially important over long open stretches of water.

Italian coni|>any Agusta. which license-Ініік the earlier Hueys, also produced 212s and developed an anti-submarine anil anti-shipping version for the Italian navy and for export

Подпись:Подпись:Bell UH-1N IroquoisИ геем» ywm the Bight deck amt of two about] HH-1N6 have beneflued vom updated ccrrvtkncations era ■vttncj rmd Doppter nawgittxyi «дояпоШ

Подпись:ЙЩЯІХ fimdCNVS ntMl tow лом ar<l пЬсмі the* seat* prawdo the crew wild good nl nxrvt ипсагу.

Bell 212/UH-1N variants

■ AGUSTABEU. AB 212ASW: EqixppcO with a largo search

radar aha. • tho catxn. sonar, anti-shpping rrvssMs and homing torpedo»-. Hu* Ita’.anbixft 212 is ono ol 60 purchased by the Itai-sn navy Oltyy operators mdude Greece. Spam and Turkey.

Bell UH-1N Iroquois


■ VH-1N: Purchased ongmaSy as a UH-iN and later converted Dy the US Manne Corps, this aircraft was outfitted as a luxurious VIP transport with extra communications eqixpment. Ono other was simAarty converted and s»x purchased new as VH-IN».

Bell UH-1N Iroquois


UH-1N Iroquois

Bell UH-1N IroquoisПодпись:Подпись: Service ceiling: *328 m (14.200 ftlПодпись: Range: *18 km (260 mi)Подпись: Below: Many ol Iho UH- 1Ns in USAF service, like this one. are omployod on staff transport tasks. The first of 73 ordered was delivered on 2 October, 1970.Bell UH-1N IroquoisType: Twin-©og<ne. muRiroie (civwarVnv’itary) uWrty hoKcotor

Powerplant: Two 962-kW (1^90-hp) Pratt 4 Whitney Canada T400-CP-400 (РТ6Г-ЗВ) twin turboshoft engines

Weights: Empty 2899 kg <6,39? lb ); loaded 5069 kg (11.178 lb)

Dimensions: Span (mam rotor) 14.6 m (48 It) Length 17.37 m <57 ft.)

Meght 4.57 m (15 ft)

Rotor disc area 167.8 m – (t.807 sq It)


Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Bell UH-1N Iroquois


One of a batch ol UH>1Ns purchased by the US
Navy and converted to HH-tN standard, this
oxample is a rescue machine based at Naval Air
Station Agana. Guam. The MH-1N is the standard
Navy local base rescue helicopter.

ж ы



Bell UH-1N Iroquois


Once egam. the nr# of the Pima eSoee it to hofo a Urge* complement of troops The UM-tC wa* the meter, version ot th* ongrui В«я ЗО*. en<h had a wnaHer fuWao» men the later 305 (UH ID and TO. on Wtvch the 312 we» based it thereto»* hoe a «гздіаг load capacity


UH-1N Iroquois

• Civil/military utility helicopter • Twin-engine reliability

Подпись:UH-1N IroquoisThe most widely produced helicopter in

the Western world, the single-engine Bell ‘Huey’ won eternal fame in the Vietnam War. An extensive development programme produced the more powerful UH-1H, from which came the ‘November’ model with extended range and greater safety of twin engines. Its load carrying capacity was also increased and, like its predecessors, the UH-1N was bought by US and foreign armed forces.