Category Helicopters

BK 117

• European/Japanese co-operation • Ambulance, rescue and utility

Подпись:Подпись:BK 117On 25 February 1977 Mcsserschmitt-

Bolkow-Blohm and Kawasaki signed an agreement for the joint production of a new utility helicopter. Although the aircraft itself has been reasonably successful, it was the programme as a whole that demonstrated what

Eurocopter/Kawasaki BK 117

BK 117
BK 117

Подпись:Подпись:BK 117Fighting fires in Scotland ►

Emergency sorvices around the world appreciate the value of the helicopter for a variety of tasks. Many compamos, such as McAlpme in the UK.

lease aircraft to agencies such as the Strathclydo lire brigade.


> MOB abandoned Itr. armed military

BK 117A-3M. but ‘civilian’ machines have been sold to military customers.

>• Kawasaki flew the first production
BK 117 on 24 December 1981.

>■ Several features of the BO 105 were retained or modified in the BK 117.


>• MBB abandoned its BO 107 design and Kawasaki its KH-7 project in favour of Joint BK 117 production.

► The first aircraft from the MBB production line flow on 23 April 1982.

► Germany’s ministry of dofence used one BK 117 as a composites testing oircraft-

BK 117

BK 117B-2

Type: tmn-turboshaft multi-purpose hdicoptor

Powcrplant: two Toxtron Lycoming LTS 101 7506-1 turboshafts, each with S28-kW (708-hp.) take-off rotmg and 516 kW (692-ftp.) continuous rating

Maximum Speed: 278 km/h (t72 m p ft |

Initial climb rate: 660 m/mtn (2,165 f. p,m >

Range: 541 km (335 mi) at sea level

Weights: empty 1727 kg (3.800 lb.): maximum take-oft 3350 kg (7370 lb)

Accommodation: one pilot and a maximum ot 10 passengers


main rotor dtamatar 11 m 136 ft. t in.)

length 13 m (42 tt. 8 in.)

height 3.85 m <55 ft. 3 (a)

main rotor <t-sc area 95.03 m (1.023 sg. ft.)


Above: MBB’s BK 117A-3M demonstrator is armed with HOT missiles. Although more than 20 military customers exist, none uses the BK 117 offensively.


Right: Kobe City Fire Department s BK 117 is equipped with powerful spotlights for fire-spotting and other emergency duties.


_____ ___ produced by

Kawasaki and all rotor systems

by мни




Tho tourbfcKied rotor hMd л «most Kiwi teal to that ot the MBS BO 106. It и» made ol titarium As on octcn. two of the hlYtts can bo made to <c*ct


This BK 117 serves with tho air proving wing
of the Japanese Air Self-Defence Force.


Gass ftbre-r&niorced ptastic (GFPP) л used bx the mom rotor tfedtm. with a .ir. un. i-uc Meut дпіі-огохюп leodng-ndgo strip Th*> Wades ore santar to, but larger Iften. those of KfflB’s ргелхв design, the 00 t05






A plot and, J boaoccmt {•used as «г.

hit nine pain


■i su passengers can ilod when the BK 117 •oaitwo transport, щіт* ors standard in




BoOi Ы IT* tghMx riabcotxcn cXW good cianb oedcrmonce The much new tectmoiogir mod n II* Cxplorae n rafted od n it» luipcror perlomtarv:*


Tu рмеепдег» rrurr tic corned n etiigh-d>4..-y і»л»іі



470 «H>i*

(1.38D І. р я I


MBS is rosponsfcto tor such components as the rotor system and tail section Kirwnsaio nanutoebraa mo tusefcge. iud systems. Ironemsson and other, tem3


p.1851-e. m.J


fH 0/ЬлІ Fight RJesl r – por. r.itAi with the na. nK ‘Xjuipment fa am equipped to


Wheats may be attached to the s*q0s to a*t ground hontJtog. Emergency itotnlton oqupmont дані snow studs are optoniw


Larger avtnmas tun* pпвЛш fut< capacity and ttwrtoni T* Ft/ecapur AS 365N7 Oauprwi? fta» it* kmgnl rung* The 8K 117. Mftough rxorporaiing otter technology. oft** a


ASJ45H7 ВП7В-7 DAUPHIN 2 Ml An. 197 m |5» rr іШяА-1 ____


■ OH-8: Beginning in March 1969. Kawasaki manufactured the Hughes OH-6 under a Uconce agreement.


■ 369: Civiban variants of the OH-6 designated the 369. have also been built m Japan, mostly for Japanese customers.


BK 117

BK 117


HH-65A Dolphin coast guard

• Search and rescue • Coastal patrol • Utility helicopter

Подпись:HH-65A Dolphin coast guardSpeeding to the rescue with the

US Coast Guard, the HH-65 Dolphin has saved hundreds of lives since its was introduced in 1987. Serving in coastal locations across America, this short-rango recovery version of the Eurocopter Dauphin multi-role helicopter has demonstrated impressive versatility. Fitted with advanced avionics and search equipment, the Dolphin is first to the rescue whatever the weather.

A Short-range rescue

Подпись:Подпись:HH-65A Dolphin coast guardThe НН-Б5А is the short-range component of the modernised Coast Guard fleet, operating alongside the longer ranged HH-60J Jayhawk and fixed-wing HU-25 Guardian, a version of the French Dassault Falcon 20.

Подпись:Advanced cockpit ►

The Dolphin’s modern cockpit is designed for minimum effort all-weather operations and includes comprehensive radio systems and datahnk. The flight dock normally houses two. but it can be flown by a single pilot.

Подпись: FACTS AND FIGURES ► Подпись: I

Israel purchased two HH-65s, and in trials operated them trom the navy’s Meet of fast patrol craft.

The Dolphin was criticised for lacking power in hot and high conditions, but «• re-engining programme was cancelled

>■ Two HH-65s ore used by the US Navy test centre at Patuxent River. Maryland.

► Flotation bags allow waterborne ditchings In bad weather – up to sea state five.

>■ The crow can be supplemented by a rescue diver for special missions.

>• Dolphins were purchased to replace the elderly Sikorsky HH-52.

Eurocopter HH-65A Dolphin – coast guard


HH-65A Dolphin coast guard

HH-65A Dolphin

Type: snort range соззг guard seareh-and – rescue helicopter

Powerplant: two 507 kW (680-hp) Textron Lycoming LTSIOt-750 turboshaft engnes

Maximum speed: 324 ктЛі (200 m p h)

Operational radius: 760 km (470 mi.) with тахігтжп fuel and 400 km (250 mi.) with maximum passenger payload, no external fuel earned

Endurance: t hours

Weights: empty 2718 kg (5.9B0 lb ): loaded 4050 kg (8.9Ю to)


span length height

rotor disc area


avionics and.1 searchlight, tlu* ІІП-65Л is ideal for short-range rescue work.

Although the Dolphin lias Іч-еп a success, there was controversy over complaints voiced by the I Slloast Guard that tlte aircraft lacked power, especially in the hot conditions around die coastlines of California and Florida in die summer. Ke-engimng the helicopter was considered, Ihii a-jectod on the grounds of cost


‘ – *

The HH-65A is seen here with its stablemate, the improved Eurocoptcr Panther BOO. A more powerful and upgraded development, the Panther seems unlikely to serve with the USCG, which was not entirely satisfied with the Dolphin.


11 94 m (38 it. 4 in.) 13.88 m (45 ft 6 in.) 3.98 m (13 ft. 5 mj 119.90 m’ (1.290 sq. ft.)




Tho ннббЪ twin «попої onvn rouiooami rosor* maasumg 11,08 m (38 И 4 m.| Uko the Givnk» and Panther. II» Uni rotor a trve torwstron Ion in-fm typo.


HH-65A Dolphin


Tho Eurocoptcr SA 366G Dolphin has boon employed by the US Coast Guard sinco 1982. replacing the larger jmph-Ыоив Sikorsky HH-52A in most units.




A genorafon onead of the ИН-Э or mo Wesae» and wrtn coru*Jer, it-tfY топе МтечігГітпд, ііиі HH-6SA л capable ой hrgh *pe*ds SH-Эа h*id apeed record* mthe ewty-i960»


The Coast Guard та»? iner French Dolphins with more cowedul Amencan-buC Textron Lycomng LTStOI Uabofthoha, makng the «trail capable o’ а mawnum upeod ot 324 totvh (200 m. ph )




324 kinli (200 я р. К.I


– Tipcah thn HH Gp’6 crow ли cermt o( a piot со рАзі and лум tngrK4>fwti. tt соегдну The

:v iws a 1200 Xj (2.(VtO-to.) «veil пчхгчвЗ atx>k« the adocr


287 km1i (118 я. р.Ь.)


«SUXHCMkZ 212 keOi (If » P•»•) ’


W<tti Its much tugger fuselage, ttw HU 3 has greater fuel capoocy and tonger range This atewod Я to fuftll the long-range rotary search arto-rescue role Ш «іфрол of me inshore HH-&S


NN-вМ OOLPHta 780 кя |47ЄяІ.|

M-3F 100S кя |62S ml.) WISSf X КС Mk 2 770Ui |47S mt. p


It me Ffrt-6515 miommaiB enough to au»et a doufe ergme fatire over the sea. a successful txcrwp wd oe acted try the heScopteCs pop out mtiatatue floats


The Dcruhn’5 tatooom к seated kr enhanced Ічжууагху and cont/ww an mcroased wro ції compoeco Fcnestron tad rolor Tho iWaattb manty cprroosJte sbucluro teods to »ls ncknamo of ‘plastr: puppy


1 mptrslicatati Planar array weather —". txr rtouipmenc to atow 10nr гтизйспа •’60HS. RG-8S and C 130s




HH-65A Dolphin coast guard



HH-65A Dolphin coast guard

■ HU-25 GUARDIAN: Derived from tho Dassault Falcon 20. the HU-25 can fty counter­smuggling or long-range rescue missions


■ SCHWEIZER RV-8: For covert spying against smugglers, the low-light TV-equipped RV-8 wears a tow-visibility pamt scheme.


ИИ-37 2500 га

(1.550 ft. I



ис. Мкг 1220 я (7*0 И.)


HH-65A Dolphin coast guardHH-65A Dolphin coast guardHH-65A Dolphin coast guardHH-65A Dolphin coast guardHH-65A Dolphin coast guardHH-65A Dolphin coast guard


EC 120/135

• European design • Latest technologies • Quiet operations

In order to match helicopter requirements in the next century. Eurocopter has produced its advanced EC 135 and EC 120 Colibri helicopters. Developed from the BO 108 technology demonstrator, the EC 135 is a high – tech successor to the MBB/Eurocopter BO 105, while the EC 120 is generally in the same class as Eurocopter’s own Ecureuil and Gazelle. It meets the Bell JetRanger and MD 500 series head on, and is likely to sell well.

Prototype ► formation

D-HECY. seen in the middle of this view of all three EC 135 prototypes, is the sole EC 1350-1 powered by the Pratt & Whitney PW206B engine.


First flight ▼

Eurocopter considors all EC 135 prototypes to be pre – production prototypes. D-HECX was the first examo.

and is seen on its maiden fight


A Before the EC 135

Mcsscrschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm (MBB) flow the first example of its Allison-powered BO 108 on 15 October 1988. The design subsequently evolved into the EC 135.

▼ French assembly

F-WWPA. tho first EC 120 prototype, was assembled at Eurocoptcr’s Mahgnanc facility in Franco. Tho EC 135 was developed mostly in Germany.


Colibri programme ►

By April 1997 rwo prototypes of the EC 120 were operational and had complolod 250 hours of flight testing in preparation for certification.


EC 120/135EC 120/135EC 120/135

EC 120/135

Подпись: FACTS AND

► Having aimed to build 30 EC 135s In 1997. Eurocoptor expects to increase production to 60 per annum thereafter.

► Eurocoptor foresees a requirement for 700 EC 135s up to 2007.

► An Emergency Medical Service (EMS) layout is being developed for the EC 120.


► A number of EC 135s were flying with police forces in Germany and Spain by oarty 1997.

>• The McDonnell Douglas MD 900 Explorer

is a serious EC 135 competitor.

► Operating costs of tho EC 135 are 25 per cent below those of the BO 105.

Eurocopter ЕС 120/135

EC 120/135

ЕС 135B-1

Type: •iv«.’eevon-*«at fcgtit helicopter


EC 120/135

Powerplant: two 4»7-kW (560 – ip) (continuous rating) lurbomeca Arhus 2B turbosnafts

Maximum cruising speed: 26′ knvh (162 m p. h ) at sea tovet

Endurance: hour* at sea level

Maximum climb rate: 486 m/rrwt (1,594 f p. m) at sea level

Range: 715 hm (443 ns | ai sea level with standard tuol


Abovo: Eurocoptor added ал advanced lenestron anti-torque system to tho MBB ВО Ю8.


EC 120/135

entirely constructed from composite materials, anil Ixillt employ a distinctive lenestron anlH(>fX|Ue system This offers benefits in ease of maintenance and noise reduction, the latter living espei ially important in the policing and RMS idles


Above: Wearing its smart dark green colour scheme, D-HECZ introduced the EC 135 to America at HeUExpo ‘95 in Las Vegas. Strong competition lor tho type comos from tho McDonnell Douglas MD 900 Explorer.




AsvmmetrcaiV ptacea blades dmrvsn the rtsJretivG wtv sting noee associated with it» feoesvon anti axmue system. The EC 135 ts claimed to be the ouetee: n^cops» umuitA?


D-HECZ was the third prc-production prototype to fly. It has Arrtus engines and was made for tho type’s debut in North America – potentially a huge market.


EC 120/135
EC 120/135

EC 120/135EC 120/135EC 120/135EC 120/135EC 120/135


AS 532 Cougar

9 Multi-role 9 First Gulf War veteran 9 Operated worldwide

Подпись:AS 532 CougarIn January 1990. Aerospatiale changed the name of its military Super Puma variants to Cougar. Now built by Eurocopter, this range of big, powerful machines includos tactical transports, Exocet-armed naval helicopters and a specialized combat search and rescue aircraft. Armed versions of the land-based models can carry guns and rocket pods, while the prototype of a specialised battlefield surveillance model proved highly successful during the First Gulf War.

AS 532 CougarПодпись: ◄ Keep on truckin' With its underfloor cargo hook. 9* Cougar в аЫе to cany external bat, to a maximum of 4490 kg (9.900 b} AS 532 Cougar

AS 532 Cougar

A Over the horizon

After a period of troubled development and budget cut-backs, a single AS 532 with Orchiddo radar flow 24 missions during the Gulf War. An improved AS 532UUHohzon combination is now entenng service with the French army.

A Rapid-reaction Cougar

Equipped with infrared-suppressing exhaust shrouds, this Cougar flies as part of the French army’s rapid-reaction force. It was delivered by Adrospahalo as an SA 332M1 Super Puma and is now regarded as an AS S32UL Cougar.

A Naval attack

For the anti-submanno warfare (ASW) and anti-surface vessel (ASV) roles. Eurocopter offers tt* AS 532SC Cougar. In the ASV role, the aircraft carries two AM3S Exocot missiles with a reported range of 4&-64 km (30-40 milesj

Y Submarine killer

Thomson-CSF Varan located in the nose radon* combines with an Alcatel/Thomson Sintra HS 312 dipping sonar in the roar fuselage to mako the AS 532SC a formidable ASW helicopter.


► By 1 January, 1995, 42 countries had ordered Super Pumas/Cougors. two-thirds of them military.

► Fivo of Abu Dhabi’s VIP aircraft have been given Exocet capability.

>• Turkey ordered 20 AS 532U2 Cougars at a cost of US$253 million.

> Aerospatiale based the Super Puma on tho highly successful SA 330 Puma, incorporating much new technology.

► Tho AS 532‘s gearbox will operate for one hour after all oil has boon lost.

>■ In South Africa, Atlas used many AS 532 components in its Oryx helicopter.

Eurocopter AS 532 Cougar




AS 532 Cougar

AS 532 UC

Type: Military ut ty helcopter


Rowerplant: JVro 1398-kW. (1.875-hp> Turbomecn Mafcila 1A1 turbonhafts

Maximum speed: 261 km/h (162 m. p h. j m sna


Climb rate: 420 nvmin (1.378 t. p.m) at sea level

Range: 616 km (383 mi l with standard fuel capacity.

Weights: Empty 4321 kg (9.526 lb.), max takMft (8961 kg) 19.800 lb with an internal load:

9330 kg (20,570 to.) with an external load.

Weapons: 2 crewmen bora plus 21 commandoe* or 4490 kg 19,900 lb.) external load

Dimensions: Rotor diameter 16 6 m (51 tt 2 ut) Length 15 5 m (50 It. 11 л)

Height 4.9 m (16 ft 2 In,»

Rotor disc area 239 itT (2.570 sq IIJ


Below: The Spanish air force operates a number of Cougars in a variety of roles. This AS 332B is seen prior to delivery to 603 Escuadrbn of Ala -18 based at Cuatro Vientos near Madrid. Their primary role is search and rescue, plus secondary VIP duties.




Locatod on (no startxwd =*» Ы tho tidboum. the Uu rotor lue tve Uackea A hotuunbiJ г. ііПчхї wilt 1 u fned кчкіїхі ixyjc dll № оррояПо on lixi isort sate


StantyV Black/umk л рмгмр» lh« Couyara < mtomational marknt The UH-fiOA e ihjtitly todat i end « Uii*d on a more recent dmgn


AS 532 Cougar
AS 532 Cougar






<143 «-M l


the dual control соочт no* a erashworti V btr* dock and cabin Doer


AS 532 Cougar
AS 532 Cougar

1 ho Cougar л or«a> «slmgietfvatiio from <s ргеоосіиаог, mo Purno. by «« largo vonlral fin bonoolh Itso tOBOOnt


Search and rescue versions are outfitted with search taoar and navigation computer as well os fictmcn ge»v tor Over wolor орегаюпз


ELTocopler’s product «(so has the edge on range. although the Buckhawk is atro to carry up to tour external fuel lank* when fitted with the externa* Моїм support system pylon* Tim IW-17U is the curcnt production versron of tt»» popular Russian lyAcopler. which is not noted lor Its range obktes


AS 532 Cougar

494 km |M? ml.)


BATTLEFIELD-SURVEILLANCE: Flying in Irtendiy mrc-pace. the Special AS — TkSHJl is аЫо to observe the progress of tho battto using its Horizon radar,

plotting enemy movements and giading fneodty forces onto targets. II is also able to follow and co-ordinate the progress of tho friendly air and ground offensrv».


AS 532 CougarAS 532 CougarAS 532 Cougar


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer


n. in. іде when missiles rule the battlefield. the main лин­ині. hcliuipicn in both Gernuny ЛІНІ I’ratXV were converted light utility machines, and were horribly vulnerable In ІЧН-» the two countries decided to риніте л new putcnl h. itileheltl helicopter іЧдщічі the Tiger. it w;is to Іч1 д state <a the-art gum-lnp Н<|иІ|>|хчІ with iillra-red. tdeM’iou. md loser sensors, tlx – Tiger can fly ліні light in. ill
weathers jnd at all times. It is. ittiied with the latest anti-tank missiles, potent against even the bill’s! мі 14*i tanks

Mm the Tiger Is more iluin lust л tank-killer It forms the basis lor the Freni It army’s Cicriaut, or (iyrlalcon. The ( ietfaut is an ем’смі ,nul lire Мірроп aircraft armed with air-to-ground tlx keis and a powerful cannon, and is designed to work closely with juijtpofting troops on the gr< нині Air-to-air

Although designed for the Cold War in Europo. tho Tiger will prove equally effective as a weapon for the rapid deployment and peacekeeping rotes which are likely to bo its lot for many years to come.

missiles also mean that it ran hunt down op|>osing helicopters First deliveries of the Tiger ttxik place in 1998. and it will lx – on the front line until well into rite 21st century

Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Europe’s airborne tank-destroyerПодпись:
Tigw’s mint mcwitnd owner’s s^ghl ennuos the ivilooutc» to Operate from behnd cow wtii mnmum м4ппг.«*ілу Tlx aght can toed iftfiptty tairta о born cockpt*. and contains a IV camera, a thermal подо* and a laser rangefinder

Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer

Eurocopter Tiger


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer
Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer

Armament: lour wing stations for up to eight HOT or Tngat anti-armour missiles, and four air-to-air mesiles: Escort version has a 30-mm cannon turret and can carry four air-to-ground rocket pods




Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer

13 m (42 ft. 7 inj 14 m (46 fU 4.32 m (14 ft. 1 Л)




Made from a tieioWe ttxe – pfesbc. me rotor blades are of advanced design they dre drwgned lo withstand cental damage and bkdstnko


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer


Ire НЛС can carry ogW HOT or Tng*t mmon. or ее »ho»n hare a combrueon Ы bom together * m Metre ento-ae ітемая for


Iwn turbosrvtlt ongnes are mounted soe by *de above me tjsolago. They

bom inoommy hr* and shock


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer


ire PAM-2 4 ot Mwlar eofibgureton. here ступо ngnt MOT maen. For arrt dalance nenwrwr. * 4 «дораО »*h tre


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer


The MAP «тог can ею cany *our ar-lo ar пкиаю but n» men отшгепі і» a 30 mro cannon <n a noee turret and unguldod ar-io-vaurd госкй»


^ AIR-TO-AIR COMBAT: The Tiger is lethal И я more agio than older helicopter» the the Mi-24 and can engage them from hgh angles jd




Mam anti-heufcopter weapons are the noee-mountod 20 mm cannon, or tho Mistral heat seeking ліг-to-ar типик».


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyerEurope’s airborne tank-destroyerEurope’s airborne tank-destroyerEurope’s airborne tank-destroyer



• Multi-role attack helicopter • Fighting by day and by night

Подпись: A The design ot the Tigor was started at a time when tho armoured hordes ot tho Warsaw Pact seemed poised to ovorrun western Europe, and Soviet tanks were to be Its prime target.Tiger

Hovering menacingly among the

trees, the helicopter lies in wait tor its prey like a huge jungle cat. But no cat ever had such a sharp set of sonscs, nor such lothal claws. The helicopter needs those senses and claws; aftor all. natural predators have novor had to doal with proy as tough as a 60-tonne Main Battle Tank, which is what the Eurocopter Tiger is designed to fight.

Подпись: Tiger is 80 per cent manufactured from composite materials. TigerThe Tiger development programme is reported to have cost, to date, more than Cl billion (US$1.4 billion).

► Initial planning calls for tho Bundeswohr to acquire over 200 PAH-2 Tlgros.

> France was to order 75 HAP Gerfouts and 140 НАС Tigres, but may roduco that total.

► Tho plastic, enrbon-fibro and Kevlar fuselage is protected from lightning by an embedded coppor-bron/o grid.

>• Tiger will be able to dostroy any tank likoly to npponr In tho noxt decade.

AS 565 Dauphin/Panther

• Tactical transport • Search and rescue • Civil heli-liner

Подпись:AS 565 Dauphin/PantherFlown around the globe by both

commercial and military operators, the twin-engined Dauphin is built in three continents. Its ability to carry up to 13 passengers or a load of more than 3000 kg (6,600 lb.) internally or on an external sling makes it the ideal vehicle for a wide range of tasks. It has been particularly successful as a flying ambulance, and its dedicated military descendant, the Panther, is used by both naval and land forces.

AS 565 Dauphin/Panther
A Heli-liner

AS 565 Dauphin/PantherПодпись: A Dauphin family The Dauphins were progressively upgraded with greater use of composite construction, t retractable undercarriage and an tl-bladed fenestron. The first Dauphins used the Astaiou engine which also powered the G.vcte The AS 36SN2 is used by many city helicopter airlines. Including Hankyu Airlines of Japan with its distinctive ‘Footwork’ logo.

Подпись:AS 565 Dauphin/PantherA Multi-role machine

The Panther has been bought by many users for such varied missions as anti-tank attack and search and rescue.

Fenestron tail ►

Like the Gazelle, the Dauphin and Panther have a shrouded tail rotor for Improved crosswind performance.


► The Maryland State Polico oporates

AS 365s with radar, forward-looking infra­rod. searchlights and hoists.

>■ Tho Fronch navy uses the AS 565 MA for plane-guard duty aboard Its carriers.

► A Dauphin AS 365X set a speed record in March 1991 flying a 3-km (2-mi.) courso.

► Tho Panther was designed around the AS 365 but with radar, infra-red and significantly reduced noise signatures.

► Chile operatos four AS 565 MAs fitted with radar warning and Exocet missiles.

► Saudi Arabia uses AS 565s equipped with the AS.15TT short-range anti-ship missile’

Подпись: Multi-mission, rotary wing helicopter
Подпись: AS 565UA Panther Type: twin-епдлеО multi-rolo medium-utility and naval helicopter

Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:AS 565 Dauphin/PantherПодпись:Подпись:Подпись:


AS 565 Dauphin/Panther

Fluwtt In РТГ2. tile* first Dauphin was an updated XlmietU: III with a more pUttVtful engine. In l‘>"5 ii scl.1 new |чч. чІ rccotxl for it> class nl 30,x kill It < IRM m. l

Am»S|>at«alc then Imill the twin nginecJ AS.«ntand staticvl a long line nl versatile utility helicopters Пи* I’S CrntM Ciuatd clmsc the tfWi version as ii – standard si inn-range ivm’uc hclivopicr. and Israel txiughl 20 to operate from naval ранні lx nils I lari lin in China

builds lilt: as ihe X-9.

A multi-mle inililaiv version, the AS ;-J6SM. was lirst Mown in February im and carried 12 soldiers ami IIO’I anti-tank missiles or SNHU rockets. The 1 non* powerful AS sfo Panther serves alxxtrd French navy frigates anil is Iniilt bv Brazil lor its anttv. Naval Panthers are егціірречі with the Harpoon deck landing system

The Panther has Ivceil sold widely to Angola, China, Ireland (fishery protection), Saudi
iabia, Taiwan and to Thailand’s naval air arm. Fined with TKfK) engines, the type was even offered to the I S rmy as a I Jit-1 Huey’ tvplatcinenl.

Civil Dauphins are usevl amund the world by lire and police departments anil ambulance services. Coinmen ial operators use them to support offshore oil operations and for executive transpnit One is used the French an force fot VIP traibpon, with the С1Л. М filglit ItcLsed at Villacotiblay

The man rotor is a fou-btadtd St. vfk‘« stnictuo wifi quck-disccnnoci pine for manual Wdmg Ttvry rolalo nt 350 rpm


AS 565 Dauphin/Panther

China hmlds the AS 365N Dauphin as Ihe Harbin Z-9.
The current Z-9A-100 army helicopter carries Rod
Arrow wire-guided anti-tank missiles.


the 2-9 й ixsseretl by two tc«nco-fcuncC2A/iel turboshafl*. Tr«i PuntJwr в powered by the Airiol tAl. and tv» boon trial Mtixi win thoLHTEC T800


П*і олМОЛуий rot nr й

alvOiicJbd wXtin Ihe ftn,

Which «6 ЙС5ЧГ«1 «о mducc not», mcnatac otiemncv and (wily avcwl poositolo damage to tho bladce


Tho dual 1, ng oantroto are bydnk, l, jy powered. The t>ot ha» a W hstnmwii ftyrig pond and an outcen i ml ccilurvai radar




AS 565 Dauphin/Panther



The endcMto tns uni sft_*idy cutset to pod to counteract rolcr torque p kxwjnj light


the DoujhaVs tail tvo ;> ynafl tv игре to ptnvwit the mi striking the ground ourmg noso hgh ’ton: Mops’ or aulrvntations.


?7I кяі/ti (IT? m. p.S.)




Tim P*wio> r-.e an exodkrrt cwrtuit іл»ія ana uooonrn to outperform tne orxr two lypn Hcwnvrr. №• ‘.jiv lor ino AS btb a lot an unbd*n«d спігяП. utvm-и *» other* am Uty Scoded value*.


Dauphin and Panther operators


AS 565 Dauphin/Panther

■ BOND HELICOPTERS: Bond operates the Dauptvn on оЛід support duties, atoogside S&orsky S-6ls and Supor Pumas


■ BRAZILIAN ARMY: Known as the HM-I in Braz-ian service, 10 of the 36 Panthers wwo built undor liconce by Helibras « Brazil.


■ СЛТІС FIRST: Tills SA 365N2 із one of two sen I to СЛТІС ot China to allow tho company to set up Its own Dauphin production line.


AS 565 Dauphin/Panther



AS 565 Dauphin/Panther


AS 355/555 Twin Star

• Versatile lightweight • Air taxi • Police, ambulance, fire service

Known in the United States as the Eurocopter Twin Star, the bouncy little Adrospatiale Twin Squirrel is one of the world’s most versatile flying machines. It is small, modest and relatively inexpensive, but it is an amazingly practical helicopter with dozens of everyday uses. From air taxi services to police and rescue work, the Twin Star gives solid performance at reasonable cost.

▼ Police support

Подпись: A Safety tests Modem helicopters undergo strict testing, such as stability analysis, before entenng service.
AS 355/555 Twin Star

Подпись:AS 355/555 Twin StarTho Twin Squirrel is used by several police forces around the world, including Britain’s Metropolitan police, who use it alongside tho larger Boll 222.

AS 355/555 Twin StarAS 355/555 Twin StarAS 355/555 Twin StarПодпись:

Neat interior ►

The Twin Star has found its real nicho as a comfortable air taxi. Its compact cabin can accommodate four passengers.

◄ Fennec

The military version of the 7Win Star is known as the AS 555 Fennec. It is used for light utility work such as liaison and scouting, and can be armed with а Giat 20-mm cannon pod and pylon – mounted rockets.


► A naval variant, the AS 555MN, is oquippod with a chin-mountod radar, but is unarmed.

► Tho first Twin Squirrel made its maiden flight on 28 September 1979.

>■ The Twin Star has the best safety record of any helicopter in its class.

>• Brazilian company Helibras builds TVnft Squirrols with the designation CH-55 one VH-55 tor tho Brazilian air force.

> The Twin Squirrel’s FADEC control sysW* allows automatic engine starting.

> About 750 Ecurcuils and Astars have been delivered to operators in 19 natio"’

Eurocopter AS 355/555 Twin Star


AS 355/555 Twin Star

AS 355 TWin Star

Type: fivrc ‘wx-so. it general-purpose hr-copter


Tho AS 355 has о combined доаФси. wifi a «/wit %um each origan – doOvflrmg ixmxv totnoroeoro


Powerplnnt: two 340-kW (4S5-np | Turbomeca Amut tuiboshan ongnes driung a throe blnded main rotor

Maximum speed: 275 km/h <170 m, p.n

Range: 720 km (446 rrw |

Service ceiling: lOOOm (13.120 ft l


The naval AS 355M2 has a chin – mount ad 360 radar and can bo armod with a pair of lightweight homing torpedoes. This version is m use with tho Brazilian navy, which operates 11 UH – 12Bs.


AS 355/555 Twin Star

armed Mill» ami – tumour low nxkets


Tim nvm row* biodeq pro Of cjta.-_.icri> comtructton Wilt Я Sluef Шгкі edge month. combemg slrongth. ItabKy and ІДО






MMcoptcn are not in* Inst oil of лагаit. but modem nwctn-em Ule the Twin Star сап cnma quae comtonoMy 1 mem* than 200 kmh (125 mp. h) Couplmi »>tn tro« мміу to opnatn from oty centre htrtcone ir*> л» often the tanesi way o< triveArig bom СЯ» lo oty


TTw Uteri AS 355 S powenxf by two AJkoon 25O-C20E


Tne Tw*t Squirm has a


« JS5 nma nu


IVHJ a amgto Tentron Lycon«nq or Arne) imixttfiatt Thutvwi

verve*! first Іклу #i IОAl


гго»іАк(іМла. п,і

2«o 1*1% їм* ар. к.) ^ d


M0 500

•0 105


l qnlwerjn; l«H«xl(ers агееіесі*м« inert hop’ transport» Although they do nor im greet u-eelueUM ranpe*. they can etny m Itw лг tor aovm. il hours at a lime The « o« gnal ookie ai police surveeanr» ar search-ond woik


май* V_


. Л


. 10 ІИ

/ 100k*




AS 355/555 Twin Star

Al AS 355* Імлі а чклі type undercarriage lor итсйоїу and krw coM Thu « Monty kxvjthnnna « тМигу moduli




720 кя I «4 *11


Рок* TwnSaum* слот note a «хХ куч baty.

tweet frew tbo nockpt


AS 355/555 Twin Star



■ ALOUETTE III: Taking the ortglnof Atouotto concept a Mage further, the Aloootto III has a bigger cabin, n того eificienl rotor system and того powerful onginoa


■ LAMA: For operations m extreme conditions. Aeroapaiwiin (now Eurocopter) introduced the high-altitude Lama, which ia an Aiooette ll atrtnrne with on AJouetle III powerpiant







AS 355/555 Twin StarAS 355/555 Twin StarAS 355/555 Twin Star


AS 332 Super Puma

• Oilrig support • Search and rescue • Tactical transport

Подпись:AS 332 Super PumaEurocopter’s family of heavylift

helicopters – Puma, Cougar and Super Puma – perform many duties around the world, but none more challenging as those in the petroleum industry. This is high adventure only a helicopter can provide – heading out over raging seas to bring supplies to oilrigs on the ocean. Fortunately, helicopters like the Super Puma handle extremely well when the going is rough.

AS 332 Super Puma AS 332 Super Puma

▲ Pre-flight checks

Подпись:AS 332 Super PumaPuma pilots have to carry out an elaborate chock procedure baton flying. This begins with the pilot walking round and examining the airframe and rotor blades.

◄ Long nights

Operating in the Shetlands mean long summer days and early starts, but long winter nights allow few daylight flying hours

AS 332 Super Puma

A Ready to go

With a closo eye on the vicious and changeable weather and fuel states carefully calculated, the crew taxis out. The number of passengers is vanablc. depending on the fuel load needed.

A Night maintenance

Where possible work is earned out at night, as the Super Pumas have a very busy day schedule.

◄ Norwegian Puma

AS Lutttransport operates in the Norwegian sectoi often flying in Arctic conditions.


>■ The prototype Puma first flew on 15 April 1965.

>■ Tho Super Puma took to tho air for its maiden flight on 13 September 1978.

► About 420 Super Puma/Cougar

helicopters havo boon built, about half of thorn used by civil operators.


► Petroleum Helicopters, tho world’s largr**

user of helicopters, uses Pumas and Super Pumas.

>■ Tho military Puma variant, the AS 532
Cougar, Is used by 32 countries.

>■ Tho Super Puma Mk II introduced new main and tail rotors and transmission.

Eurocopter AS 332 Super Puma




AS 332 Super Puma

AS 332 Super Puma

Type: medium-size transport hnlicootv Powerplant: two 1184-kW (t,590hp.)

ТшЬотйса МлкІІа IAI turbosJuifts

Maximum entising speed: 266 km/h (165 m. p.h.)

Weights: empty 4460 kg (9.812 to.), loaded 8600 kg (18,920 to.)

Accommodation: crew ol 2:24 passengers in high-dens’ty configuration, or nine stretchers and throe Mated casualties. or 4500 kg 19.900 lt>.) ol cargo slung oxtornaHy; some models have twin trixghl doors to accommodate bulky cargoes such as ой-drimng equipment


main rotor diameter length height

rotor disc area


The Super Puma supplements the older and larger Sikorsky S-61 Sea King (below) to service the oil industry. It has been a great success for the manufacturers, now called Eurocopter. The British operating company Bristow ordered 31 of a special variant known as the Tiger for offshoro support work, and others are serving as far afield as the South Pacific and Abu Dhabi.


15 m (49 ft. 2 in.) 18.15 m (59 tt 6 in.) S.14m(16n ioin) 177.00 m* (1.906 sq. tt.)




A protects»! ij-itn m fittod to Die ongrto шійчм to cmvcnt /ідімйіоп ol «о Of dobra, Т>м.»

I di. tv. .it ower 23,000 rpnt. roduoed tty the gaortsor io 2B6 qm at ttw man mfer


AS 332 Super Puma



256 km* (159 o».h.>


AS at НШ PUMA 256 kmti (ІІ5 т. р.к.)


Mi l 225 km* (140 n p. h.)


AS 332 Super Puma

to 1994 tqhlning №uo the tail rotor ol n Ouilow Super Puma, causing it to dtch – nto l?« North Sea. тяасиюий.7 wihout iriury to any pasMOogom


at *»*» increasing oetiwcs t’cm the nearest stiore bases the ablity to tty those Distances hi keemt weather condition*


AS 332 Super Puma

4)4 Puma arframe « ot I kitaton gear n rmcnutvW when convvntonof alumniim operating in bod wftotfw ovw with Шагшго uJurtimg. п tl»j аагудопхя North Sou critical arous.


«ООП 214 НО ко

(422 ml.)


As in at hetccdters, the possc-nger cabn of the Super Рита <з quite no«sv


AS 332 Super Puma

Puma family

pSA 350 PUMA: Developed initially as a nw. tary transport, the H AS 332 SUPER PUMA; Based on the highly successful ^e’ran ‘T V Iw! wc<!n 16 and 20 Passengers, it was one of SA 330. the Super Puma has more powerful engines, better


■ SUPER PUMA It The latest version ol the Puma, find certified in 1992, is the Super Puma II It e the longest In the series, with a stretched fuselage seating up to 29 passengers.


opters Cleared for ali-weatbor operation.


avtoivcs. and a tougher airframe and landing gear.


AS 332 Super PumaAS 332 Super PumaAS 332 Super PumaAS 332 Super Puma


AS 350/550 Ecureuil

• Anti-tank helicopter • Air taxi • Advanced rotor design


Подпись: ^ Despite the standard layout of Aerospatiale's Ecureuil, the helicopter has gone on to achieve notable sales success in both the civilian and military markets.AS 350/550 Ecureuilnown as the Ecureuil, the Squirrel or, in North America, the AStar, the AS 350 was developed to replace the Adrospatiale Alouette. First flown in June 1974, it has been produced in military and civil versions. Military models include the AS 550U2 utility, A2 armed and C2 anti-tank versions. The AStar is fitted with a single Textron Lycoming LTS 101, whereas the civilian 355 Twin Squirrel, or TWinStar, and military 555 Fennec have two engines.

; ■rr**;

AS 350/550 EcureuilA Citywide travel

Severe] companies have purchased the Ecureuil and use it as a safe and reliable method to overcome city congestion.

▼ American (Iyer

Opcratod in the United States as the AStar. the AS 350 is used as an executive transport.

AS 350/550 EcureuilAS 350/550 EcureuilA Personal transport

Although it has not replaced the tarn – car as first stated by the helicopter manufacturers, it is very useful tor those who have the money.

Shipboard down under ▼

AS 350/550 Ecureuil
Operated by the Australian navy, the «і 3500 has a lightweight Dopp navigation system for overwater thgr

>■ The first night of the AS 350 occurred on 24 June, 1974, followed by a second example on 14 February, 1975.

> A fully-armed version of the Ecureuil is capable of launching anti-tank missiles.

► The helicopter has boon assembled under licence in Brazil.

The Ecureuil is markoted as the AStar »n the US, where it has achieved considerable sales success.

► A gunship version of the Ecureuil has a 20-mm cannon and twin gun pods.

► Emergency flotation gear can bo fitted to tho skids for operations over water.

Eurocopter AS 350/550 Ecureuil

Подпись: Europe’s utility helicopter

Подпись:AS 350/550 EcureuilПодпись:Подпись: AS 550 FENNECПодпись:

Continued development Iws kept ll*v AS 350 and its many derivatives on the nurket fur more iltun 20 yeaiv Operators ИЧ’ them lor a variety of tasks. In ни passenger Jjuvsport to polke work, aerial filming "> eunstruction work.

Tticy have captured (*0 jjer tent of the civil ami public service market l« »r single engine, six – to eight-seat Itelltupters.

Tlie first twin-engine ПИКІЄІ (lew in Scptentlxrr I0“‘). Must examples hate ЛІІімш 2nfl engine– Іии the Ггеїкії air force’s
і і AS ASSan use the 3 i()-k\ (•l56-hp.) Тигіхипйсд Arrius AS 350s and 555s have l>een produced m both armed and Ц unarmed configurations for several military customers, and there are naval anants as well.

I lelibnis ol brazil li. is assembled versions of I Midi the single- and twin-engine I’ennee. know n as Ksqtiilov Armament options include guns, rocket pods, anti tank missiles and torpedoes.

Tlie latest AS 5ЗОМЗ. Ilown for the lust tune in March ІУ97. has ііюге pow erful Arriel 2 engines lor

Above: Displaying a more war-hke role, this French army example has rocket pods.

improved performance in hot weather and at extreme altitudes The maximum load has Ix-en increased Ю IЗУ* kg (3,(»Hi) lb 1, while new a ionics, displays and controls make it safer and easier to operate

AS 350/550 Ecureuil

Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:AS 350/550 EcureuilAS 350/550 EcureuilПодпись:Подпись:Подпись:AS 350/550 EcureuilTAKE-OfF WEIGHT

The bgh tjfcO’Ctl wn^lit ot the AS 550 nlkmi •! lo be uiMd tor c wipe ranpe Ot Cut*» from «Пек to a« ambUence Compauo lo the ut*’ Mj-34. It* performance її ехсомт.

The Urge cabn urea of the AS 550 requ»w) ■ reduction in fuel loan which іе-wxted *n the Юоі or range. Arthojgh

lew capable than tho omlor GrucMe Iho Fnrnec has C«n BlfOClhO m CMl їло ТГіе unor

ГА-34 ruts ovon lew range



Eurocopter’s diverse designs

5*8330 i;uPER PUMA: Capable ot long range while carrying a В SA 341 GAZELLE: A compact design capable of a high boyk * ■ и„. puina й me ultimate in civilian fwlieopter travel. ctu<s*ng spmxf. the Gaze’k* ш only twidered by its small cabin -’V, r»proved. the dosxjn is in widespread service for carrying passengers.


■ AS 365 DAUPHIN: A development of iho Dauphin 1. the improved twin-engine desxjn has a greater r. ingo and improved Hhng capacity, it has been sold around tlw world.


Mi-34 НЕПМІТ IHOUnti (112 m. p.h.)




254 Emit (1|4 eb p. h )


AS 350/550 EcureuilAS 350/550 Ecureuil
